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Keeping Children Engaged and Having Fun during Holidays!

School's out for the second term break!  While this excites children, it can also lead to boredom and the dreaded "I'm bored" refrain. Here are some creative ideas to keep them engaged, learning, and having fun during their time off:

Learning through Play

Educational Games & Activities: Dust off those board games and puzzles that combine learning with fun.  Explore educational apps and websites that cater to their interests.

DIY Projects: Get crafty! Make slime, build a volcano, or design their own board game. These activities spark creativity and problem-solving skills.

Themed Learning Adventures: Choose a topic – dinosaurs, ancient Egypt, the rainforest – and plan activities around it. Visit museums, read books, conduct experiments, and create themed crafts

Crosswords and colouring books

Crossword Puzzles: These aren't just for newspapers! Crossword puzzles that are age-appropriate can help with spelling, vocabulary building, and even critical thinking as they work to solve the clues.

Coloring Books: Coloring isn't just for relaxation. It can improve fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and color recognition. Look for coloring books that have educational themes, like those featuring animals or shapes.

Exploration and Adventure

Outdoor Fun: Plan picnics in the park, go for hikes, bike rides, or swimming. Explore local museums, historical sites, or zoos.

Geocaching Adventures: Turn treasure hunting into a tech-powered adventure with geocaching! Use GPS coordinates to find hidden caches, a fun way to explore new places.

Day Trips and Travel: Plan day trips to nearby towns, beaches, or amusement parks. Even a short trip can create lasting memories and broaden their horizons.

Creative Expression

Arts & Crafts: Unleash their inner artist! Provide materials for painting, drawing, sculpting, or jewellery making. Let them create masterpieces or decorate their rooms.

Creative Writing: Encourage storytelling through writing prompts, journals, or creating comic books. Let them act out their stories for a fun twist.

Music and Movement: Put on a family dance party, learn a new instrument together, or write and perform a short play. Encourage their artistic expression through music and movement.

Social Connection and Collaboration

Playdates: Organize playdates with friends and classmates. Board games, backyard games, or building forts together provide social interaction and fun.

Volunteer Activities: Give back to the community! Volunteer at a local animal shelter, soup kitchen, or library. This instils social responsibility and teaches them the value of helping others.

Sports and Team Activities: Enroll them in sports camps, swimming lessons, or other team activities. This fosters teamwork, social skills, and a healthy dose of exercise.

Building Skills and Independence

Cooking and Baking: Involve them in meal planning and preparation. Start with simple tasks and gradually increase their involvement. This teaches life skills and promotes healthy eating.

Gardening: Plant a small garden together, nurturing vegetables, herbs, or flowers. Kids learn responsibility and take pride in watching their plants grow.

Learn a New Skill: Encourage them to learn something new – coding, a new language, photography, or a musical instrument, sewing, knitting. This expands their knowledge and fosters a sense of accomplishment.

Spiritual activities: get the children involved in Bible reading and bible club activities, let them exercise fasting and other activities relating to your faith.

They can also learn indoor games/sports.

Keeping it Fun and Flexible

Balance Structure and Free Time: Plan some activities but also allow unstructured time for independent play and relaxation.

Involve Children in Planning: Let them choose some activities they'd like to do during the holidays. This fosters ownership and excitement.

Be Flexible and Adaptable: Weather might disrupt your plans, so have backup ideas and be open to spontaneous adventures.


Parents are concerned about..

Economic instability:  the economic situation of many families necessitates both parents to work and confine the children to schooling and being taken care of by maids.

Perceived decline in societal value: This is the reason why some parents have lost sense of trust, therefore tend to protect children from many vices prevalent in the society.

Safety: moral safety is a thing of great concern. With the rising cases pf paedophile and kidnapping, parents tend to keep children indoors than take the risks of socializing.

Trust: trust in itself is not scarce but whom to trust with children.

Neighbourliness: good neighbourliness is a good grounds for fostering healthy communal and societal environment for the child.

However, parents can find other parents with like minds and create a group of progressives for children wellbeing within the neighbourhood.  Some organisations are in the business of organising holiday programs for children, after due diligence, you may enrol your ward. You may also consider having time off work to coincide with when children are holidays.

Remember, the holidays are a time for families to connect and have fun. Embrace these ideas, create your own traditions, and most importantly, enjoy making lasting memories with your children!

Make Memories and Most Importantly...Have Fun!



Maureen Awulonuh
